Thursday, May 28, 2009

W.E.X entry #3

I keep judging with my seven year old sister. She keeps thinking that she can have what ever she wants. she keeps wearing her stupid outfit she wears. At dinner time, she claplains about her food like "I don't want to eat this" or "I'm not hungry." She wants to get herself attention. Even my mom, my dad, and my brother were really pist off when she gets herself attention. When my mom and my brother are going somewhere, my sister wants to go, but my mom and my brother said no to my sister. when they said no to my sister, she started to cry like a baby. This is why I keep judging with my sister.

W.E.X entry #2

When me and my brother were having fun playing video games until my mom called us to wash up for dinner. After dinner, I told my brother that I will fold tonight. But my brother wanted to fold too. So we argued a lot to see who will fold tonight. My mom was yelling at us because we wanted to fold. So I quit arguing with my brother and told him that I will the vacuming. I know that I lost to my brother because my mom was about to ground us for arguing.

W.E.X entry #1

When my friend ask me if I ever played runescape before, I told him no, I have not played Runescape before. My friend told me that I should play it because it is fun. So, when I got home and completed my homework, I started on my computer and play the runescape. But before I played the runescape, they told me to put my user name and password. Next they told me to customize my character. And then I started to play runescape inside the cave. I started on level two to begin the quest. Right now, I'm on level 32.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I like when Matt was dancing all over the country. Its like he or his friend have to pay all those tickets to dance around the country. The video that I was watching, when we didn't get the chance to watch the video was cool because Matt dance in the ocean with the jellyfishes and he got scaredfrom the seels and the elephents. This is why Matt is cool because he was dancing all over the country.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

buffalo chicken wings

Here is one of my favorite food and it is called hot buffalo chicken wings. :) Oh man, I really want to eat it again real bad and I am already grulling.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html

1. Ecological intelligence is being able to understand the deeper meaning of our local choices and the global environmental consequences that come with them.

2. I think it connects to our project because it is talking about going green, saving the earth and saving the ocean.

3. I cannot explain how high is my ecological intelligence is or give an example of ecological intelligence in my life. I just don't know yet.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


1. I thing that struck me is when people go to work, going to a store or hanging out with your friends leaving the electricity on in the house.

2. I was surprised that when people don't want to turn off the light ( even when it is night time ) and people are being to lazy to turn off the light while they are gone.

3. I think a lot of people should care about the world instead of electricity.

4. Maybe I should put something that can interest the people who cares the world.