Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dialectic Journals

This book is almost about 300. In the first chapter, one of the Spartan was capture because he survive in the battle. The king asked himself how he survive in the battle, who does he love, and how to make him laugh. The king wanted him to teach the king's soldiers to be the best soldiers in his kingdom.
They said that Thermophylae is a spa and the word in Greek means "Hot Gates" from the thermal springs. The springs and pass themselves were not considered by the Hellenes to belong to the natives on one of the area, but they said they are open only in Greece. They had a double spring sacred to Persephone, called the Skyllian fountain, on the foot of the bluff beside the Middle Gate. When the Spartan arrived, he refused to avail himself of this shelter.
I don't konw if this chapter is talking about someone's past or right now in the book, but I'll tell you what is about in this chapter. They had a slave in his father"s farm when (the talker is talking about his past) he was a child. The slave's name is Bruxieus. Briuxieus is a Elean and he was captured by the Argives in battle when he was only nineteen years old.
They found Bruxieus on the morn of the second day. His slave brand had saved his life. It was starting to rain on the evening. The East of the Field of Ares, where the fallen in the war were buried, there was a man digging a grave for an infant.
Someone said that the ghost linger and haunt the scenes of their days under the sun. Dienekes was walking with Alexandros, alone except for his own squire and himself, to a spot under the temple of Athena Protectress of the city. Dienekes already won two prizes of valor, at Erythrae against the Thebans, the Corinthians and their Arkadian allies. I think few days later, Dienekes sat opon the earth under the Twins. He gestured to Alexandros to take the place with him.
Bruxieus intuited his thoughts and he tried in his gentle way to disarm them. That night, the fever alternated with fits of teeth rattling ague. One fever racked night, Diomache and Bruxieus wrapped him with skins and set off foraging. Diomache reached him scrabbling over the snowy crest and he lurching into the grove of pines.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2008 Presidential Election

I am going for John McCain. I am going for him because he cares about the United States Of America. The reason why John McCain should be president because he does not turn his back against the flag during the pledge. Who does this remind you of? Oh yeah, Barack Obama. Obama does not know how to lead our nation. He has no military experience and does not care about the military and their families. McCain served in the military and should be our next commander in chief. He cares about the military and their families. I know because I am one of those military families. The military is what protects our nation and our freedom.
Barack Hussein Obama (that's his real name)... the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE... how can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief???? Read this article and decide for yourself. Also, in the article click on the link for the picture that shows him not pledging, If he did this early on in the presidential race, who knows what he will do being the president that does not support our nation. Also check this youtube site showing Obama not saluting the US flag during the National Anthem, There are too many questions concerning his background and his ties with certain people around the world.
Under a McCain presidency the United States will experience robust economic growth, and Americans will again have confidence in their economic future. Read this article on why McCain should be the next president, McCain/Palin will be a great team working together to bring our nation back to it's feet and help the American families for the next 4-8 years.Barack Obama should NOT be the next president. He does not have the experience or the leadership that John McCain has.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Photo I Like

1. This photo I like is Sonic the Hedgehog. He is the fastest blue hedgehog in the world. The picture looks like he is running to save someone. He made a lot of new friends in Station Square where he was transfered to there by the seven chaos emerlds. If he had all seven chaos emerlds, then he will transformed to Super Sonic.

2. My dad is a hero because he goes to the marines. He likes to make musics a lot and plays video games with me a lot. He also likes his plants and he wants to take care of it. But right now he is in Japan for two years.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Secret Life of Bees

1- I think that it is kind of talks about bees but it is about a girl name Lily who has hard time with T-ray (her dad) and she wants know the truth about her mother.
