Sunday, November 30, 2008

About My Vacation

My vacation was alright. It was a lot of fun because I get to play video games all day and all night. But some I did not play video games because I was grounded for talking back to my mom, and she was mad at for that. And I get to sleep in all the time too. But sometimes, while I am sleeping, my brother and my sisters always waking me up and its not fun.
On Thanksgiving day, we went to my mom's friends house. We stayed there for a long time and played alot too. For dinner, we had turkey, corn, stuffings, mashed potatoes and biscuits with gravy. And for destert, we had pumpkin pie, and cheese cake. When it was late, we were tired and we went home, but I stayed up.
I am thankful for not being a turkey. I am thankful for mom and dad (which he isn't here) feeding us, taking care of us, and helping us. And I am thankful for being born. Thats all I have to say about my Thanksgiving week.

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