Wednesday, March 18, 2009,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html

1. Ecological intelligence is being able to understand the deeper meaning of our local choices and the global environmental consequences that come with them.

2. I think it connects to our project because it is talking about going green, saving the earth and saving the ocean.

3. I cannot explain how high is my ecological intelligence is or give an example of ecological intelligence in my life. I just don't know yet.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


1. I thing that struck me is when people go to work, going to a store or hanging out with your friends leaving the electricity on in the house.

2. I was surprised that when people don't want to turn off the light ( even when it is night time ) and people are being to lazy to turn off the light while they are gone.

3. I think a lot of people should care about the world instead of electricity.

4. Maybe I should put something that can interest the people who cares the world.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I really like their house because the house is full of flowers and vegetable. They eat healthy stuff instead of junk food. I think they are all vegetarian because I don't see them eat meat.

I think for the Need part would be food ( of course) water and some electricity. The Wants part is a car because they need to put stuff like sugar and other stuff in the back of the car.

I think they planing for I Going Green because they planting organic food and using solar panels.

They work really word and not paying bills all the time. Its like they have been eating salad instead of eating meat all the time.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anthropomorphism means an attributing of human qualities to animals or things.

Erratic Retaliation is basically defined by Ishmael as sometimes retreating , and sometimes attacking when threatened.
In the case of the Cawks, this is a "peacekeeping method." It keeps everyone on their toes, constantly preparing for a possible battle.
In a way, this keeps slaughter and population issues to a minimum because the Cawks keep everything to a minimum. There's no greed for more people or land, so the others don't retaliate with the same mind set.